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x-archive-meta-creator: Global Lives Project
x-archive-meta-date: 2009
x-archive-meta-description: This is part of a 24-hour recording of a day in the life of Muttu Kumar, a postcard seller and tour guide from Hampi, India. He was 18 years old at the time of the shoot.
Despite leaving school at age twelve due to financial constraints, Muttu Kumar speaks Hindi, Kannada, English, and a fair bit of French. These skills are central to his work as a tour guide and postcard salesman in Hampi, India where the architectural achievements of the Vijaynagar Empire have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. He works to support himself and his family, who live in a village two miles from the town.
This video was produced by Srikumar Venkatraman, Ruhie Kumar, Deepa Bhat, Meghna Madhusudan, Rahul V. Chittella, Vishal Gupta, Akash Mohimen, Omkar Parab, Abhishek, Zainab Burmawala, Brijesh Matalia, Nagyaraj, Bassappa, and Meera Sankar. This video is part of the Global Lives Project, a video library of life experience. For more information see
x-archive-meta-language: kan
x-archive-meta-mediatype: movies
x-archive-meta-rights: See for more information about licensing and rights.
x-archive-meta-title: Muttu Kumar - Hampi, Karnataka, India - Kannada (Global Lives Project, 2009) ~22:24:52 - 22:39:53
x-archive-meta01-collection: muttukumar
x-archive-meta01-subject: Hampi
x-archive-meta02-collection: globallives
x-archive-meta02-subject: Karnataka
x-archive-meta03-subject: India
x-archive-meta04-subject: globallivesproject
x-archive-meta05-subject: Global Lives Project
x-archive-meta06-subject: glp
x-archive-meta07-subject: globallives
x-upload-date: 2012-07-19T03:18:19.000Z